This year I have been full of ideas! You may think that is a good thing, but it has actually been quite the trouble! I keep going from one thing to another, and I think it is an issue. I think maybe i should set goals!
I am what is known as a master procrastinator. I am also quite impulsive when it comes to starting new projects. I feel like my tendency to jump from one thing to another causes me issues! However, if I am quite honest, I really am not sure what my best course or action is!
I am full of ideas, and since I can't seem to focus on one of them, perhaps I can try and make some room for them all? Do we think this is a good idea? I personally am unsure!
I won't make these new years resolutions, but maybe just goals for.. maybe the next three years? five? I dunno! If we assume I'm living past 22, why not!
Some of these goals include:
Am I too ambitious? Probably!! But I am hoping making a list will at least get me to do SOMETHING!!!!!!! Maybe every day I can focus on something different? I don't know! Oh well!
By the way! If anybody is interested in supporting me (via money..) i have both a Redbubble and an Etsy right now! (I plan to make a Teezr account when that comes out too, but it isn't out yet!) (Note: Redbubble there is not a guarantee I get money from it though.. sad. but regardless feel free ro buy anything that interests you.)
If you don't have money then kind words or even just reading through this is appreciated as well! It is nice to exist.
Have a nice day friend!